Caryn Bradfield - Mini Tennis Coach

BA Sport Science (Human Movement Science)

LTA Level 1 Award

Coaching Experience: Over 25 years of coaching and owning Playball franchisers both in South Africa and the UK.

Assistant Manager and Head trainer for Playball Europe since 2014.


Caryn has been involved in teaching the fundamental movement and manipulation skills (ball skills) to 1000's of children from 2 years old and up. She is passionate about helping children reach there physical developmental milestones through sport and instilling the manipulation, locomotion, stability skills and sequencing skills into children at an early age so as to give them the best platform to build their love and enjoyment for tennis. She coaches with a lot of enthusiasm and patience and strives to make every lesson fun while ensuring the children are leaning the correct technique and movement patterns for the best start to their tennis life. 

Caryn motivation is the joy she gets from young Playballers going on to become successful youth tennis players.