
The club has competitions running throughout the year, whether its social fun competitions, club championships, mini tennis competitions and border wide competitions. 

Social Competitions

The club regularly holds social fun events such as American Doubles Tournaments and in the past we have held Grand slam style events, christmas fun tournaments, mini red competitions (open to all ages) and other fun competitions.  In addition the club hosts the Civic Week Challenge each year in July with members of the TD5 area taking part.

Annual Club Championships 

The club holds the following club championships on an annual basis and these are open to all members.

  • Mens Singles (2021 Winner - Lewis Watt
  • Mens Doubles (2021 Winners - Lee Brown & Angus Millar)
  • Ladies Singles (2021 Winner - Barbara Archer)
  • Ladies Doubles (2021 Winners - Kate Bull & Jane Wright)
  • Mixed Doubles (2021 Winners - Lewis Watt & Viv Waddell
  • 18U Girls (2021 Winner - Alex Armstrong)

Junior Competitions

The club plays hosts to Grade 5 competitions for Juniors from around Scotland and the North of England.  These take place from March to October each year.   The Junior Borders Confined was held at the club in 2021.