Tennis Club Committee

Lisvane Tennis Club Committee
The current Committee members were elected in 2023 at the last Annual General Meeting (AGM) .
Safeguarding and Welfare Officer and Covid-19 rep
Emma Reid-Jones has been a family member of the club for several years along with her husband Andrew and their two teenaged daughters Daisy and Liz.
She has been the clubs Welfare Officer for the past 7 years and latterly has been the clubs Covid-19 representative.
She holds current Safeguarding certificates level 1 & 2 with Tennis Wales and level 3 with the Baptist Union.
Clive Bolton
House and Grounds
Clive Bolton has been a member of the Club since 2004. He has served on the committee since 2012 and has been House & Grounds member for the last 3 years. Once the Club gained planning permission in 2015 he co-ordinated the funding and construction of Courts 4 & 5, and in 2019 he managed the resurfacing of Courts 1-3 since which time he has carried out all the maintenance on these courts with occasional assistance from other club members.
He has also been responsible for all project work since 2015. Clive tends to play in the Tuesday and Sunday morning social sessions, and has in the past played for various club teams. He can be seen up at the club several times during the week doing various maintenance activities as well as looking after the 120 saplings we had to plant in the wooded area between Court 1-3 and Court 4 & 5.
Clive is also one of the club's two representatives on the main Cardiff Athletic Club Management Committee.
Membership Secretary
Julia Thomas has been membership secretary since 2022 and a member of the club for a number of years. Julia's role includes introducing prospective and new members to the club and thereafter ensuring they get the most out of the club once they have joined. She regularly attends social sessions . Julia's contact details are 07711 269101 /
Cath Symons Hicks stepped into the Secretary role in 2023 after many years as a family member.
Cath's role includes sending member communications and writing minutes at meetings as well as dealing with our LTA club registration.
Vice Chair
Victoria Morgan was secretary from 2018 before moving to the Vice Chair role and has been a family member of the club for several years along with her husband Robert and children, Eliza and William.
Tony Nash
Tony Nash
Tony Nash has been a member since 2007 and joined the Committee as Vice Chair in 2017/18 then graduated to the Chair role in 2018/19 before moving to the Past Chair role and volunteering to cover the Treasurer role through to the next AGM before being elected to the post formally at the 2021 AGM
The role involves looking after the Tennis Club's locally held funds mainly raised from social events and pay to play income and liaising with Cardiff Athletic Club which deals with the far more substantial Membership Fee income and pays the majority of the bills relating to the tennis club.
Tony leads a housing and support charity, is the company secretary for a property management company and holds a Safeguarding Level 1 Certificate and NEBOSH Certificates covering Health and Safety and Fire Risk Management.
He is a keen advocate of the club's coaching programme having seen his daughter progress from a novice to Ladies Club Champion whilst being coached by club coach Tony Symonds Hicks.
Tony is a regular attendee at Sunday's social tennis.
Social/Fundraising Officer
Juliette Sherrard has returned to the Committee after an earlier spell as Membership Secretary and now promotes social events at the club,
Juliette has been a long standing family member of the club and is renowned for her home baked cakes that make welcome appearances at many club events!
You will get to meet Juliette at one of the social events at the club including First Thursday competitions, afternoon teas and dinner dances.
Cath Lynn has been a member of the club for many years along with her family.
Jim Allan
Representative - Cardiff Athletic Club Management Committee
Jim Allan has been a member of the Club since 2003. He has served on the committee for several years as the Tennis Section representative on the Cardiff Athletic Club (our parent) management committee of which he is currently Vice Chair. He was responsible for obtaining the Athletic Club approval and their subsequent funding for the construction of courts 4 and 5 and the recent resurfacing of courts 1,2 and3.
Jim very much enjoys the social aspect of tennis and currently plays on Tuesday morning, Wednesday evening and Sunday morning.
Mens Club Captain
Alex Welch is the 2023-24 Captain and plays regularly for the Lisvane Mens teams.
Other Committee Members
To ensure the club runs effectively we also have the following committee members who step in to assist in many of our activities-
Tracey Attwood
See the Committee Structure and Roles.