Club Rules

- Each Member agrees as a condition of membership:
- To be bound by and subject to the Cardiff Athletic Club & Tennis Section Rules and associated policies relating to child protection, health & safety etc (as in force from time to time);
- To be bound by and subject to the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) Rules and the Disciplinary Code (
- Any member failing to act in accordance with the Club Constitution, Rules and codes/policies may be challenged as regards their conduct and may be asked to leave the court or club premises. Continual refusal to abide by the rules, codes and policies may result in withdrawal of membership.
- Members are assumed to give consent for photographs of themselves/their children being used in club communications and social media. Club photography policy is in line with LTA guidelines and is available to read on the Club website.
- The Club takes no responsibility for unsupervised juniors outside of normal coaching or club playing sessions. Parents of children using the club facilities should ensure that their children are aware of the behaviour expected by the club, and supervise them.
- Only tennis must be played on the courts. Any other activity is forbidden.
- Appropriate sports clothing for tennis must be worn at all times (i.e. correct non-slip, non-marking footwear and tops worn at all times).
- All members must conduct a personal risk assessment before playing and ensure that the courts are safe for use. Any members playing when the courts are considered unsafe do so at their own risk.
- Outside Club sessions and organised group coaching members wishing to play should book a court via the Court Booking system.
- No person shall be eligible to play in Club Tournaments, Competitions or for a Club Team if that person is not a fully paid up member and his or her subscription is outstanding.
- No eligible Member shall be able to enter the Wimbledon draw if his or her subscription is outstanding.
- Members may introduce a guest but must enter the name and address of the guest together with the name of the introducer in a book which is kept on the Club's premises.
- No one may be admitted as a guest on more than three occasions in any year commencing 1st April.
- When walking past courts where there is a match in progress, please have respect for the players and wait whilst play is in progress or pass by quietly.
- Coaching is only available through club nominated coaches.
- No Non-members will be allowed to receive individual coaching at any time.
- Litter is a perennial problem both on courts and in the immediate surrounds. Members are responsible for removing their own litter and waste and putting it in the bins provided in the clubhouse or taking it off site.
- Members using Courts 1-3 are required to Dragmat the court/s before (if not already swept) and after use, and sweep the lines as appropriate. Members using these courts should wipe/brush their footwear on leaving the court; this is particularly important during wet or damp conditions.
- Persistent failure to Dragmat the courts could result in that member being barred from using those courts.