Three Rs

Respond, Refer and Record


1. Respond - Listen carefully to what the individual is telling you. Do not interrupt, keep questions to a minimum and do not promise to keep the information a secret.

2. Refer - first assess whether the person is in immediate danger.

If Yes call the police (999).

If no talk to one or more of the below:

  • The club's welfare officer, Andy Lucas, on 07722 188535;
  • The LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis Team (020 8487 7000) within office hours; or
  • The NSPCC (0808 800 5000) if your concern is about a child or local authority adult social care services if your concern pertains to an adult at risk.

Hate crime can be reported through True Vision at

3. Record - Write an objective account of your concerns immediately using the Reporting a Concern Form. Send it to the LTA and Inclusive Tennis Team within 48 hours of the concern using the e-mail address

Handling a concern or disclosure can be emotionally difficult. If you would like to talk to someone about making a concern or disclosure, contact the LTA Safe and Inclusive Tennis Team by phone on 020 8487 7000 or e-mail