Frequently asked questions about the courts, the Club and the game of tennis

Do I have to be a tennis club member to use the Loddiswell courts?

No. Anyone can use the courts, except when the courts are block booked for Loddiswell Tennis Club. If you are not a club member, check our online booking calendar on the website for availability and book your court. Then contact the Loddiswell Village Hall and Playing Field Trust to arrange payment.


Why play tennis?

Tennis is a great game for people of all ages and abilities. The game is good for both your mind and your body. Tennis will help you:

  • Get fit - lose weight. burn calories. An hour of singles play can burn 580-870 calories.
  • Live longer - playing just 3 hours/week will reduce your risk of heart disease 56%.
  • Strengthen heart, muscles and bones - compared to other sports, tennis players have the lowest incidence of cardiovascular disease.
  • Develop hand-eye Coordination - playing tennis involves several skills that all contribute to good hand-eye coordination. You can improve your agility, balance, coordination, reaction time and more.
  • Enjoy family and friends - great for the whole family no matter what your age. With minimal equipment needed and plenty of courts around the country, it’s easy to bring a friend or find one at the courts.
  • Develop teamwork and sportsmanship - from doubles play to learn and league play, tennis develops your ability to communicate and work together.
  • Improve social skills - tennis outperforms all other sports in developing positive personality characteristics.
  • Reduce stress - tennis helps you deal with physical, mental, social and emotional challenges, which increases your capacity to deal with stress.
  • Increase brain power - from alertness to tactical thinking, tennis enhances the neural connections in your brain. Kids who play tennis regularly get better grades.
  • Learn to solve problems tennis is a sport that is based on evaluating angles, geometry and physics to get the best result. This translates into better problem-solving off the court. In the late 1990s, several experts proposed that tennis, since it requires alertness and tactical thinking, may generate new connections between nerves in the brain and promote a lifetime of continuing brain development.

(Source: https://smashpoint.pro/top-10-reasons-to-play-tennis/ accessed 06/07/2019).

Why join the tennis club?

The Club welcomes anyone who wants to play tennis in a social setting. As a member, you can attend any of the Club’s regular sessions, meet and play with other people who enjoy the game and compete in our tournaments. You can also book a court for your own use without paying a court fee.

As a member of an LTA registered tennis club, you are entitled to free membership of British Tennis. This allows you to enter the Wimbledon ballot for Open tournament tickets.

How do I contact the tennis club?

Contact details are provided on our Contacts page on the website.

Who manages the tennis club?

The tennis club is managed by committee of volunteers. An annual general meeting is held each year to elect members to the committee. Other committee meetings are held throughout the year to plan events and coaching activities and discuss other matters relating to the Club. Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings which are advertised on our website News page and posted on the village Facebook page “Loddiswell What’s On”.

How do I play tennis?

There’s a good description and helpful videos here: https://www.wikihow.com/Play-Tennis.

What are the rules of tennis?

You can view and download the rules of tennis here: https://www.itftennis.com/media/298557/298557.pdf.
