Contact Us

Please email any enquiries for  Loddon Tennis Club to

Our coaching team will also be available to speak to at all the times shown on our Club Session timetable, at the courts.


The courts are owned jointly by Chedgrave and Loddon Town Council and managed by Loddon Town Council on behalf of the Loddon & Chedgrave Playing Field Committee.

The Town Council offices are open to the public three mornings a week. We’re accessed by the main Library door and our office is in the Library Annexe, adjacent.

​If you wish to contact the Clerk please;


​PHONE: 01508 522 020 (9am - 12pm Tues/Wed/Thurs)

​EMERGENCY PHONE: 01508 486 128

POST: Loddon Town Council 

The Old School, Church Plain 

Loddon, Norfolk, NR14 6EX 

View our Loddon Tennis Club Newsletter here:


Welcome to the Loddon Tennis Club!

Our Sub-Committee, composed of enthusiastic and friendly volunteers, works closely with the Loddon Playing Fields Committee to bring tennis to everyone, regardless of age or skill level. We aim to make tennis accessible to the entire community, offering a wonderful opportunity to engage in a healthy, social activity right here at our local two-court club. Join us and experience the joy of tennis, improve your fitness, and become part of our vibrant community. Come along and give tennis a try!