We take Safeguarding extremely seriously at Loddon Tennis Club.
Our Club Welfare Officer is Craig Broadley-Naylor. To contact Craig, please:-
- email loddontenniswelfare@loddontowncouncil.gov.uk
- phone 07961 574781
If you would prefer to register a concern directly to our governing body, the LTA, please click on the link below:
Register a concern with the LTA
For guidance from Norfolk Tennis, please see norfolktennis.org/safeguarding
For guidance from the LTA, please see www.lta.org.uk/about-us/safeguarding/
For guidance from Norfolk County Council, please go to their dedicated website norfolklscb.org or email safer@norfolk.gov.uk
If you are one of our Junior members and would like to talk to somebody in confidence, please phone Childline or jump onto their website
If you are in any doubt, or feel that a child or vulnerable person could be at risk, please call 999 without delay.