These pages are where you will find information about the tennis that is going on at Lower Windrush Tennis Club.
We offer a number of different ways for you to get involved in tennis. If you are a beginner and keen to learn a new skill there are plenty of coaching opportunities, individually or in fun groups with our coaching partner Excel Tennis. Excel also run courses for those looking to improve or refine their game. Details of all coaching courses can be found on our coaching page.
If you want to mix your tennis with a fitness class, why not try one of the Cardio Tennis sessions. No tennis experience is necessary just a racket and some stamina. Again details can be found on the coaching page.
Whether you are looking for casual play with regular partners, social play with lots of different partners or tournament play there is something at LWTC for you to enjoy
Please get in touch with Georgina Grell about our Club Nights, Diane Tamblyn for Friendly Matches, and Mike Buckle for Daytime Tennis and Sunday Morning Tennis.