Court Bookings

Members Click Here To Book A Court

Member's Oaken Grove Code

Non-members Click Here To Book Oaken Grove Courts

Guests of Members (Visitors)

If you are visiting the club as a guest of a member, you may visit the club up to 3 times per membership year (1st Apr - 31st March).  A small visitor fee of £6 for adults and £5 for juniors is payable by the member to the Administrator for each visit. If you wish to visit any more than the 3 times allowed you will need to become a member - please contact to arrange this.  Court booking will be done by the member. The member must please contact, before the guest visits the club, to advise that a visitor will be on site and to arrange to pay the visitor fee via bank transfer.  The member must provide the full name of the visitor and date/time of visit.

Court Rules - Bookings

Please click here to view the court rules

Booking Rules and Court Allocation

We monitor court bookings/usage and do our very best to manage Court Allocation and balance the frequently conflicting requirements of the various sections of our membership. This is never an easy task and we rely on our members to follow the booking rules and understand that they are there for the benefit of everyone.

We recently changed the court booking rules to allow for 2 hour bookings on weekday afternoons as many players, particularly those playing doubles, like to book 2 hour slots.  We restricted the changes to weekday afternoons as those are the least busy times in terms of court usage.  Mornings and evenings are extremely popular and we need to make sure all members have a chance to play without any one group monopolising popular booking times.

There are, however, a small number of people who are abusing the system and refusing to follow the rules.  There are two solutions to this problem:

  1. Remove the booking slots that exceed the 1.5 hour limit
  2. Remove booking rights from repeat offenders.

In fairness to the demands of the wider membership and the administrative headache involved with the first option, we have decided to pursue the second option.

Henceforth, should a member or group of members take it upon themselves to flout the court booking rules that entire group will have their booking rights removed.

Fair weather, Summer and the traditional tennis season is (theoretically) upon us; our courts will become busier so please – respect our booking rules and, above all - enjoy your tennis!

April 2017