
As a Club we are fully committed to Safeguarding and Protecting Children, whether they are Members of our Club or Visitors.

All our coaches are LTA Accredited which ensures that they have received appropriate training, they are subject to regular Disclosure and Barring Service (‘DBS’) checks and their individual accreditations are checked and renewed every year.

Our Club Administrator, Karen Kirtland (, is the named Welfare Officer and is subject to the same DBS checks and has, additionally, received appropriate training in Safeguarding.  The Welfare Officer should be the first point of contact for anyone with any concerns, however, if someone is at immediate risk of harm, please phone the emergency services immediately on 999.  

Our elected Junior Representative on the Committee,  has also undergone DBS checks and received training in Safeguarding.

As a Club, we are committed to openness and transparency and none of our procedures are new or have been hastily put in place – they have been existent for many years and are the subject of regular review by the committee.

Our procedures are published on the Noticeboard and there is a prominent, comprehensive Safeguarding Information Folder in the lobby; key documents can also be viewed using the links below – please ensure that you read them.

    MLTC Ltd - Safeguarding Policy Statement

    MLTC Ltd - Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

    MLTC Ltd - Flowchart - Reporting a Concern within the Tennis Environment

    MLTC Ltd - Flowchart - Reporting a Concern outside the Tennis Environment

    MLTC Ltd - Code of Conduct for Staff and Volunteers

    MLTC Ltd - Code of Conduct for Young People and Parents/Guardians

    MLTC Ltd - Use of Changing Rooms Policy

    MLTC Ltd - Photography and Filming Policy

    MLTC Ltd - Safe Recruitment Policy

    MLTC Ltd - Anti-Bullying Policy

    MLTC Ltd - Diversity and Inclusion Policy

    MLTC Ltd - Online Safety and communication Policy

    LTA - Staying Safe Online - a guide for young people

In addition, the LTA provide a valuable resource of information which can be accessed through:

We continue to monitor and review our process and procedures to make sure they meet the appropriate standards and follow LTA guidelines closely.