
Clay Court Lighting

We are pleased to confirm that the lighting works on the clay courts and Mini Zone are now completed. The works went well with most completed by Monday 15th September and the Mini Zone finished on Saturday 21st September.

Please be aware of some differences in operations that we all need to follow:

  • Lighting for the Mini Zone and Courts 7, 8 and 9 is controlled by switches in the lighting box, positioned near the gate entrance to the clay courts.
  • Lights are available from 15:00 hrs
  • Lights will automatically turn off at 20:55, in line with our planning commitments.
  • 3 Lights on the Mini-Zone may stay on until 20:59 to permit players to leave the courts with some light (i.e. an egress light).
  • Controls for the lights are a simple on/off for each court. (Be aware that turning on lights for court 8 will also light part of courts 7 and 9, and this is as designed. The same is true for other courts. )
  • There is no "timer" control for these lights, as we have with other courts. PLEASE DO TURN OFF LIGHTS IF THEY ARE NO LONGER NEEDED , and do not just rely on the 20:55 "automatic off" option.

We are delighted that this process and all the works are complete. It is great that we are now a 10 court club all year round and hope that all members can take advantage of all the courts we now have.