This months newsletter sees our club go from strength to strength:
- The club 50:50 lottery is now fully subscribed and thanks to everyone. Half the funds go directly into items that everyone can benefit from, and half goes to the lucky winners. Many thanks to Peter May who has worked really hard on this!
- We have ‘Fit Fizz Friday’ and also a new format social tournament to mix things up a little and inter-club daytime competitive tennis starting. The social tennis tournament includes flags generated by AI, spot any issues?
- We’d also like to ask about everyones views on how the top floor of the new clubhouse might be used and what you want in it. The clubhouse is on track to complete end April, subject to weather. The top floor will be partially finished so still some effort needed. Respond to the mini survey on your phone and see the results as they come in
- Are you a planner? We run regular fun camps for 4-7 year olds, 8-10 year olds, 11+ so get the stars of the future signed up!
- We have tennis coaching on for everyone – Hit Fit, Doubles, Skills or Rusty rackets, just sign up and improve your tennis every member receives a member rate and this is part of the great value you get from your membership
- As ever, thanks to all of our club sponsors. Just see how locally based RBC Brewin Dolphin is planning to support a community not-for-profit club in the coming years