Memberships Year: 1 March 2025 to 28 February 2026
Membership Fees:
Adult £165 (full access)
Family £360 (up to 2 adults and their children who are not in full time employment)
Adult off-peak £85(no play at weekends or after 6pm on weekdays )
Adult country £85 (adults living >20 miles from the club)
Adult unemployed £85(unemployed and actively seeking work)
Young adult £85(aged 18-25 at 1/3/25)
Junior £67 (aged 11-17 on 1/3/25)
Mini £50 (aged 10 & under on 1/3/25)
Note: a non-member parent is allowed to accompany a mini member.
Clubhouse keys: cost £6. Available for members only - please email Mary Telfer
Renewals: Please click on the link in the renewal email Mary will have sent you or login, refresh this page and select 'Renew' to renew your current membership or select a different membership if you want to change. Instructions are here. Note: a late fee is now payable.
New members and Membership enquiries
If you are interested in joining or have any other queries please contact our membership secretary, Mary Telfer at
Payment options
We accept payment by cheque or bank transfer. Our preferred method of payment is by bank transfer. Our bank details are:
Royal Bank of Scotland
Account name : Mortonhall Lawn Tennis Club
Sort Code: 83-19-08
Account No: 00200396
Please use reference: Last Name First Name
For cheque payments, please make cheque payable to Mortonhall LTC and send to :
Ann Crawford
22 Winton Grove
EH10 7AS
Parental consent for Juniors/Minis:
All parents/guardians of U18s must not have opted out of the "consents" in the Safeguarding section unless advised to the membership secretary.
British Tennis Membership Details
Please note membership of British Tennis is a requirement for any member competing in club competitions or for any member wishing to apply for Wimbledon tickets through the club allocation. Registration can be obtained via this link: