At MTC, we have Teams for men, ladies, mixed,and juniors playing competitively throughout the year. We continually encourage new team players, so if you are new to the club and keen to find out more about team tennis, please contact the relevant team captain (see below).
Winter mixed teams entered into the East of Scotland leagues from October 2023 for around 5 weeks and we also participate in the Winter Pringle Cup, with a mixed team, with Rui and Toll reaching the final in 2022.
The main East of Scotland Leagues for 2023 ran from April to the end of June.
Our 2 ladies teams started the season in 2023 in division 4 and division 6. In 2023 both ladies teams did very well with both teams being promoted for next year to divisions 3 and 5.
Our 3 mens' teams started the season in 2023 in divisions 3, 6 and 9. Congratulations to our 1st team who will be promoted in 2024 to division 2. The 2nd team will be moving to division 7 and the 3rd team staying in division 9.
We also play mixed tennis in the East Lothian Summer League during July and August. We also enter teams in the East of Scotland Vets matches for both ladies and mens' teams. In September we have the SuperVets mixed team in the East of Scotland Leagues for those aged over 55 for men and ladies (played Wednesday mornings).
Our team captains are:
Ladies - Stella Smith 07803 892111
Gents - James Burnet 07780 436231
Juniors - Finn McLean 07958 049055
MTC policy is to select the strongest available team for each competitive match. Team selection is managed by the respective Team Captains in accordance with the following criteria.
- Players must be member of MTC.
- Players must state their willingness & availability.
- A player's previous & current playing level, experience & results.
- The level a player has competed at in the East of Scotland leagues.
- Attendance & development at match practice & squad sessions is essential. Attendance at club coaching sessions is recommended but not a pre-requisite.
- The Head Coach's opinion of a player's abilities.
- The Team Captain's opinion of a player's abilities.
- The commitment of a player to be part of the MTC teams.
- Adherence to Team Code of Conduct.
There is also an expectation that players who represent MTC demonstrate a level of participation in club social tennis and events.