
Pay and Play Bookings

Please note that flood lights are not yet available  to non-members through  pay and play bookings. 

The club has a vision for online booking with electronic gate entry and automated flood lights for all. However, this requires significant investment that the  club do not have.  If you would like to try playing under the lights  then please  let us know or come and join us for one of our club sessions.


Members use of Floodlights


Use of the flood lights is  a benefit of membership and currently only available to club members (playing with other club members) .

Please speak to a member of the committee before uisng the floodlights for the first time

The floodlights are currently manually operated with access via a set of keys.


Restrictions on use

There are are planning restrictions on when the floodlights can be used:

  • The floodlights must be switched off no later than 22.00 hrs on Monday to Saturday.  
  • The floodlights must not be used on Sundays and Bank Holidays.

When booking a court for use under floodlights, please be aware and abide by these restrictions for the benefit of our neighbours who live next to the playing fields.


Using the Floodlights

The floodlights are expensive to run and maintain. To help the club and members get best value  please

  • Always book a court in advance
  • Play doubles if possible
  • Publicise the booking  to other members via the WhatsApp group so as to encourage both courts to be in use when the lights are on


Looking after the Lights

The lights use a relatively old technoology (non-LED) meaning the bulbs heat up to very high temperatures. When the lights are  turned off, the bulbs must fully cool down before they can be turned on again. This takes 15-20 minutes.

Failure to follow this procudure will reduce the lifespan of the bulbs and will cause the bulbs to explode/fail prematurley.