How to find us
Newton & Noss Tennis Club
Noss Green Tennis Courts,
Noss Mayo
We established the club in 2009 to encourage tennis playing in the villages of Noss Mayo and Newton Ferrers and to help fund the maintenance of the existing two outdoor courts.
For the 2014 season the courts were re-surfaced using these funds, with additional help from the Revelstoke Trust, the Parish Council and Devon County Council. Under warranty the courts were re-topped in 2017. In September 2021 they were sealed and painted.
We're very proud of our courts, please take good care of them.
Booking a court
Members and Visitors should book courts online, please navigate to the Court Booking page.
Members can book 7 days in advance; Visitors 2 days in advance – payment is made online.
Pay and Play
If a court is available Visitors are welcome to pay and play on the courts, but please be aware that any online bookings will have priority.
For visitors the walk-on fees are £2.00 per adult per hour, and £1.00 for a child. There is a box at the court where you leave your payment. We rely on the honesty of people playing and without the income generated from court fees it will not be possible to maintain the courts.
Court Availability
Member's Club sessions are every Monday evening and Sunday mornings all year round and are a great opportunity to meet club players. Sessions are organised though the Club WhatsApp group. If you would like to be added to our club whatsapp group, please use our contact page to let us know.
Home league matches are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday evenings throughout the season.
Regular group coaching sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays during term time.
AGM Minutes
about a year ago
Our Club Coach Laura ran a charity event for The Lullaby trust on Saturday 3rd Feb.
about a year ago
On 1st Feb, the club quiz returned with huge support!
about a year ago
We welcome new players of any standard, whether you want to be part of a team, join us for Club Play or just use the courts.
Newton & Noss Tennis Club
Noss Green Tennis Courts,
Noss Mayo