Court booking rules

You can book courts as follows:

  1. Court bookings will be available in half hour slots for all courts - the maximum bookable session will be 90 minutes (three slots).
  2. Each player and group of players can only book and/or play on any courts once per day.  Different players in the same group cannot make consecutive bookings for any courts.
  3. Bookings can be made up to seven days ahead.
  4. You must enter your PIN code (see below) at the gates to gain access and confirm you have played.  If, in a calendar month, a player makes two bookings but does not play or does not enter their PIN code in the gates, that player will forfeit the right to book for a subsequent calendar month.
  5. If you cancel a court more than 24 hours before the booking, there is no penalty.  If you cancel a court within 24 hours before the booking, you will be charged for the court. However, if you are unable to play at the last minute, please cancel your court booking so the court shows as available for others to use.
  6. If a court is available it can be booked with no notice.
  7. There is no maximum number of court bookings per player per week or month. However members are limited to one session per day on any court.
  8. We reserve the right to cancel bookings if necessary.
  9. Please do not leave the gate open when entering and leaving the courts.

Your PIN code

When you book your court, you will receive a 4 digit PIN code on the website confirmation page and via email.  Your PIN code is unique to you and is used for all court bookings. The PIN code is valid from 5 minutes before to 5 minutes after your booking session has ended.  Please make sure you enter your PIN code to accept your booking, even if the gate is already opened by another player.