NBTC Gratefully acknowledges the grant support from North Berwick Trust which helped with our recent LED light upgrade on courts 1-3. (Oct 2024)
All courts are now floodlit with LED lights and independent court controls. They require no warm-up. Please only use when needed and only on the court being used. The usage costs are included in membership/court rental fees. We ask everyone to use the lights responsibly and ensure they are switched off after use.
There is an automated cut-off preventing use before 8am and after 10pm.
When court lights are switched off, courtesy lighting remains on for a short period to allow you to leave the court.
Please note that members aged under 14 years must be supervised by an adult when using the floodlights.
All courts are controlled via simple button push switching - Green ON, Red OFF.
Courts 1-3
The switches for all three courts are in the grey cabinet on court 2.
Courts 4-6
The switches for all three courts are in the small box attached to the main cabinet next to the steps to court 4. Additional switches for courts 5 and 6 are located in the small box next to Gate 6.
NB Please remember to close the switch boxes/cabinet securely after use. If you see lights on over an empty court please switch them off.