Welcome to Parliament Hill Fields Tennis Courts


Hampstead Heath is home to a number of hard  tennis courts across Parliament Hill and Golders Hill Park, suitable for amateurs, juniors and seasoned players alike. There are 10 hard-surfaced courts at Parliament Hill, open all year round for the public and local residents to use.


To find out more information about coaching please call our resident, licensed LTA coach Rudolph Benjamin.

Mobile: 07931 835294 

Email: rudolphschooloftennis@gmail.com

Visit this link to book a course.

Court booking

Courts can be booked online using clubspark through wwwplaytenniscityoflondon.com

Court prices (revised 1 April 2024)

1 hour Adult- £10.80

1 hour concession- £6.50

Public Bowling Green Rink

Whether you’re already in a club, a seasoned competitor or thinking of playing for the first time, here at Parliament Hill Fields Bowling Green you can play on our public rink.   

Register for a free pay & play package online now

Maximum 1 hour session. 

£9.40 per hour 

Please register to play then book via the on-line booking sheet




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Pay & Play

To pay and play, please sign up to our free Adult or Concession package. You will then able to book a court up to 1 day in advance. The maximum number of bookings in a seven day period is two court bookings of one hour each.

Court prices (revised 1 April 2024)

1 hour Adult- £10.80

1 hour concession- £6.50


Annual membership

Annual membership for £34.80 will allow you to book courts up to 4 days in advance and will allow you to play more Tennis more often! The maximum number of bookings in a seven day period is five court bookings of one hour each. This Annual Membership does not include the hourly court fee.

Court prices (revised 1 April 2024)

1 hour Adult- £10.80

1 hour concession- £6.50


Cricket Nets  - Pay & Play

To pay and play, please sign up to our free Cricket Net membership. You will then able to book a net up to 2 days in advance. The maximum number of bookings in a seven day period is two net bookings of one hour each.

Net prices (revised 1 April 2024)

1 hour booking - £9.40

Book in 3 quick steps...

1. Check availability

View the online booking sheet to find your preferred booking slot.

2. Choose a session

Select your preferred available time and book. You can pay online with most major credit cards. Register online the first time you book.

3. Confirmation

We'll send you confirmation of your booking. You'll receive a pin number to access the venue. It's easy!

How to find us

Parliament Hill Fields Tennis Courts
Parliament Hill Fields, Highgate Road

Get directions

Our Partners

Lawn Tennis Association
City of London