Membership Renewals 2022/23
We have received a number of questions regarding membership renewals this year. This article aims to answer your questions. Please read through the article and if you still have any questions or difficulty renewing then please contact us.
Most members will have benefited from a reduction in fees due to lockdowns over the last two years. This year we anticipate a full season of play and have had to increase subs due to inflation. Below you'll find this year's and past year's fees. Thanks to the pandemic membership has increased significantly and we have had to close full playing membership for the time being. We are currently running a waiting list for members to upgrade, full details on our various membership packages are below. Renewing your membership should be straight forward but if you are having trouble scroll down to the bottom of the page to read our full guides if you get stuck.
Subscription Fees:
Subscription Fees are set annually by the management committee. Normally, these are presented at AGM. However, this year the management committee agreed to postpone the AGM so we can have more time to elect a new chair. Hence, this year we have had to announce subscription fees via the club's main communication channel - the PLTC Newsletter.
Some of you will have noticed that this year's fees are much higher than what you paid last year. Membership fees have increased for two reasons;
Firstly, you will all know inflation over the last year has affected everyone, the tennis club included. Fees this year have therefore increased by approximately 7% across all memberships in response to the club's rising running costs.
Secondly, when the pandemic struck in 2020 the management committee made the decision to reduce membership fees because of the significant time we were not allowed to play tennis due to lockdown restrictions. The same decision was made in 2021. Each year the management committee presented new subscription fees but offered a discount to those renewing their membership to compensate them for time not being able to use the courts.
You can view all of this year's and previous year's subscription fees below:
Upgrading & Downgrading Membership Packages:
In 2021 the club saw an unprecedented increase in playing membership to the point where the management committee had to close Full Playing Membership and introduce a new restricted Off-Peak Membership. This year we are requesting members contact us if they wish to upgrade or downgrade their existing membership package.
Downgrading is a relatively simple process. We are simply asking members to let us know that they wish to downgrade their membership for the 22/23 season and we will send a new membership renewal email.
To Upgrade your membership we are currently operating a waiting list and running it on a "one out, one in basis". If a member contacts us to downgrade then we will contact the top of the waiting list to upgrade.
To view our Membership Packages and what each package entitles you to click the link below:
Renewing Your Membership:
To renew your membership quickly and easily please follow these steps:
- Find your membership renewal email and follow the link at the bottom to pay online.
- Log in to your account. Do not create a new account. If you are struggling to log into your account please reply to this message.
- Once logged in your membership renewals will be available in your account.
- Follow the on screen instructions to pay online.
- Congratulations you have renewed your membership for another year.
Renewing your family’s membership:
Children aged U13 – Their membership renewal will have been sent via a parent/guardian’s account. U13s must join with a parent/guardian.
Children aged 13-17 – Follow their membership renewal link. This could be under their parents account or their own one.
All members aged over 18 on 1st April – All adults need to join using their own separate account. Please ask them to check their email and follow the instructions above. NB. We have also emailed parents separately whose children have recently turned 18.
If you have any difficulty renewing your membership please reply to this message with your issue and we will sort it promptly.
Logging into the club's Website:
We understand that some of you are experiencing difficulties in renewing your membership because you cannot log in. The LTA have recognised that it was confusing logging into clubspark due to all the different log in options. The LTA are currently rolling out a "single sign on" programme so that all members will now use an LTA account to log in. However, the programme roll out has not been without its teething problems. For this, the PLTC management committee can only apologise and will do everything they can to help you resolve these issues. Once you have successfully signed in with your LTA account everything is straight forward.
For most members all they need to do is sign-in the usual way and the website will prompt them to any action required, if any. If you do encounter problems please read this guide:
LTA Clubspark Single Sign On Guide
Once you have migrated to an LTA account you should be good to go. However, if the website will not allow you to log-in using your LTA account please follow this link to contact the LTA:
Further Help:
If you are still having trouble renewing your membership or just need someone to walk you through it face to face please contact us and we will be glad to help.