
PLTC announces year long affiliation to local charity!

For some time, the committee has wanted to support a local charity on an annual basis. The pandemic got in the way of these plans, but in 2022 we aim to get back on track. Many members will be aware that during the last 18 months we have lost long standing and highly regarded members Jeff Muse, Martin Symonds and former chairman Stuart "Hoss" Munro, along with our serving chairman Pete Jones.

Pete fought a brave seven year battle against cancer, with dignity and stoicism. Throughout this time Velindre Hospital did all they could to help Pete and his family. It is in memory of all those named above that we have chosen Velindre Cancer Care to be first charity affiliated with Penarth Lawn Tennis Club.
Velindre is a not-for-profit charity that raises funds to support Velindre Hospital provide care for patients and their families. 

The Club will be hosting a series of new fundraising events dedicated to Velindre as well as making use of some of our regular annual events to help raise even more! The first event will be a St David's Coffee Morning held on Friday 4th March (more information below). The club's flagship charity event of the year will be a 24 hour "Tennisathon" starting at 7pm on Friday 8th July and culminating the following evening with fireworks, live music and a party. Put the date in your diary for what will be a great occasion.

Finally, in recognition of us operating in an increasingly cashless society we have set up the tills at the bars to allow members to donate when buying drinks. Donations can be made to the charity upwards of a £1. So don't forget "when you buy a round donate a pound!"

If you would like to personally get involved during the year, suggest an event, or simply take part in raising funds using a sponsorship form please contact either Al Cozens or Paul Edwards (click names to email).
Thank you.

PLTC Committee

St David's Day Coffee Morning in aid of Velindre - Friday 4th March

To kickstart our 2022 fundraiser for Velindre, there will be a St David’s Day / Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant coffee morning on Friday March 4th, 10.30am in the clubhouse. Entertainment will be provided by “Criw Canu”. Welsh cakes are being kindly donated by The Fabulous Welsh Cake Shop but cakes of all descriptions will be available to buy. Please come along and invite your friends to support our event.
Raffle and cake donations would be gratefully accepted.
Please contact: Jan Jones - 07828147762 or Jan Cunningham - 07881692007 as soon as possible .