How it works


The full adult programme will recommence from Tuesday 4th September 2024 

Coaching sessions are now all bookable via our coaching home page. 


Payment Format Update

Our adult sessions are run on a Pay & Play basis during school term times including a break for half term.

Players are required to pay for 6 coaching credits to use on any sessions throughout a 12 week period. (Please stick to sessions appropriate for your level)

Everyone must sign onto the coaching credit course to pay for these 6 credits prior to booking onto the indiviudal sessions you would like to attend.


Your Coach will contact you via the what’s app group should the weather stop play. Please wait to hear from them, coaches will make a call 45 mins prior to the lesson.


48 hours’ notice is required for any cancelation of booking, less than this will result in the lesson fee being chargeable.

For details and to get onto the what app groups please contact :

Megan Godfrey-Evans 
LTA level 3 Coach, Licensed Club Coach



10am-11am: Adults Intermediate/Advanced Group - Level 3

9am-10am  Adults Beginners/ Refreshers Group - Level 1 & 2

10-11am Tennis Xpress 6 week course Level 0 & 1

8am-9am - Adults Improvers - Level 2& 3

9am-10am: Cardio Tennis Session - All levels



Beginners/ Refreshers group coaching session- Level 1 & 2

Whether you have never picked up a racket or just want to get the basics right this session welcomes you to learn the foundation of tennis. We cover all the shots you need and teach you how to put them into practice to play a game of tennis!

Improvers adults group coaching session-Level 2&3

Improvers adults is your next step after gaining confidence from our Refreshers and Beginners sessions or your chance to get some coaching to enhance your current level of play in the mix in's. A doubles based session giving you all the tactics you need to play your best tennis. Playing in the club mix in's or just wanting to play more, we want to see you at our weekly sessions.

Intermediate group coaching session- Level 3

This session is based around progressing your foundation tennis skills and learning tactics and doubles positioning to take your game to the next level.

Cardio Tennis session- All Levels

A fun way to improve your fitness and movement around the court. This session is adaptable for all levels of fitness and ability. Music to keep you motivated and you will hit lots of tennis balls with drills to increase speed, agility, endurance and more !

1-2-1 Coaching sessions

Our coaches also offer individual coaching sessions for RTC members...
For all coaching enquiries  please contact our head coach Megan:

Junior Coaching

The Junior Coaching Programme on a Friday between 4-7pm Booking details for this can be found on the junior coaching page of the website.

Please contact for more information.


For details contact:

Megan Godfrey-Evans 
LTA level 3 Coach, Licensed Club Coach