Court Booking Policy

To play at the club you must book a court. Members can do this via the Court Booking facility on this website. Bookings can be made book 7 days in advance. (The previous restriction of a maximum of 9 half hour sessions per 7 day period per member has been lifted though may be re-introduced if required to manage demand).
You are welcome to bring a friend or family member to play as a guest for which there is a small charge of £1.50 per half an hour of court time per guest. This charge can be paid online by adding your guest’s name when you book the court. Alternatively it can be paid by BACS to Reedham Park Sports Club Ltd, Sort Code 40-38-10, Account number 61480170. Please reference the payment using the member’s name plus the initial ‘VF’ (Visitors Fee) for identification.
Junior Booking Restrictions
Juniors can book before 6.00pm on weekdays, Saturdays before 1pm and after 4.00 pm and Sunday after 1:00pm.
Key Stage 3 Junior members can play with another Key Stage 3 member but must be under adult supervision. That adult must be courtside.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Junior members can only play with an adult member. The adult member must book the court. An adult can be a member of any of the adult membership categories, including parent membership.