Juniors Code of Conduct (For Under 18's)

Click here for the Code of Conduct Policy for Parents & Guardians
This policy is to be read and taken in conjunction with the Club's General Code of Conduct and Court Etiquette Policy.
Your clothing must be suitable tennis attire, no football shirts or jeans and very importantly you
must wear tennis shoes with light coloured/non marking soles.
- Do not play on courts when conditions are unsafe e.g icy
- Smoking, alcohol and drugs are totally banned on the premises or whilst representing the club.
- Clear up any litter at the end of your game.
- Put it in bin or take it home.
- Only water in plastic containers is allowed on court.
- Chewing gum is totally banned.
- Do not ride your bike inside the club grounds.
- No skateboards, roller blades etc.
Please remember, you come to the club to play tennis so:
- Be responsible both on and off court.
- Play within the rules.
- No loud or offensive language.
- Show respect and consideration for other players.
- If you need to cross a court while a game is in play please ask the server for permission.
- If you need to retrieve a ball from someone’s garden you must get permission from the owner. Do not climb the fencing at any time.
And finally:
You must be accompanied by an adult if you are under 14 and not part of a supervised class or club night.
You are subject to the LTA’s Rules and Disciplinary Code, which are enforceable by the LTA. Note:
“the LTA” is the governing body for the game of tennis in Great Britain.
Please make sure you parent/guardian has read their code of conduct. They have to follow rules too!
Click here to download a copy of this policy.