Play Tennis


Our Captains Alison Fitch and Phil Mason help all our members to participate in the 24 teams we run throughout the year in the Watford & District League, weekend Hot Rackets League and the Winter Veterans Leagues.

Full details of the team tennis on offer to RLTC members see Leagues page

Contacts Phil Mason on 07940 423527,, or Alison Fitch on 07811 5240S20

 Social Tennis

  • Wednesdays 6.30pm until 10pm BAR OPEN
  • Saturday afternoons from 1.30pm - 5pm FREE TEA and CAKES (Spring and Summer)

This is a great opportunity to meet new friends and renew existing acquaintances. We are fortunate that 6 of our 10 courts are floodlit and we are therefore able to hold social sessions year round. We also invite prospective members to attend a couple of social tennis sessions before joining up as a member.

During these times, any Full member can simply turn up and join in! Social sessions are run via a ladder system to ensure a regular turnover of players and courts. It is also an excellent way to get to meet and play with new people.

On Spring and Summer Saturdays tea and cakes are available. and on Wednesdays the bar is usually open once playing has stopped.

Members may not play any other games or matches during social tennis.

There is a Social Tennis Whatsapp group, please contact Marc Queffurus at Here you can find somebody to play with. We use this group to keep you upto date with club competitions and bar events.

How to use the ladder system

Floodlit Tennis

We make no charge for floodlighting, but please limit your court booking to a maximum of 1.5 hours, and only use the times of 7pm (or 7.15pm) to 8.30pm and 8.30pm to 10pm to allow at least 75/90 mins per booking. If you have an earlier booking and nobody turns up at the end of your session you may continue playing.

The Bookings Team will amend any court bookings that do not comply with this request.


Practice Wall

It's a brilliant way to practise your skills at all levels and for all ages, plus you don't even need a partner.  Please book court 1 for no longer than 30 mins., unless using with other members. Up to three people can use it at once and the angled face gives a realistic bounce back.