Leagues and Tournaments

Watford & District League

April to August. Matches take place at 6.30pm on Monday / Tuesday evenings (for men's matches) and Thursday evenings for mixed matches. It is a 3 pair format; each pair plays a single set against the opposing 3 pairs (match is best of 9).

Captains are as follows:

  • Men's A - Mark o'Brien, Men's B - Harry Rea, Men's C - Matt Shearlock
  • Ladies A - Alison Fitch, Ladies B - Lindsay Bird, Ladies C - Anne Molloy
  • Mixed A - Pippa Parkes, Mixed B - Ellie Appleby and Sam Nelmes
  • Mixed C - Diane and Adam Roberts, Mixed D – Popi Tsoursoula and Maggie Bryant


National League (Winter)


  • Mens A - Mark O'Brien
  • Mens B - Alison Fitch

Herts League and Harris Cup

The Herts League runs from April to October, and the Harris Cup from July to October.

  • Captain -  Mark O'Brien


Hot Rackets

April to September. Matches take place at 1pm predominantly on Sundays (there are a few Saturday fixtures). It is a 2 pair format; each pair plays best of 3 sets against the opposing 2 pairs. There are 6 divisions in this league (Premiership and 5 divisions).

Captains are as follows:

  • Men's 1 - Mark O'Brien, Men's 2 - Phil Mason , Men's 3 - Paul Bonning, Men's 4 - Adrian Bryant
  • Ladies 1 - Clare Gillies, Ladies 2 – Lindsay Bird, Ladies 3 - Maggie Bryant.



RLTC run several Senior's teams through the Winter months (October to March).

3 men's teams, Sunday 12/1pm 2 pairs., best of 3 sets against each opposing pair (3rd set is a tie break to 10)

6 ladies' teams Sunday 12/1pm (40s and 50s) and Mid-week 11am (60s)  (2 pairs. 2 sets against each opposing pair).

Winter Team Captains

  • Ladies 40's A - Clare Gillies.. Ladies 40’s B – Popi Tsourtsoula
  • Ladies 50's A - Pippa Parkes .. 50's B - Isabelle Aitken .. 50's C - Liz Mills
  • Ladies 60's A - Pauline Isaacs .. 60's B - Pauline Isaacs

Ladies' Results

  • Men's 45's A -Mark O'Brien .. 45's B – Ian Prior
  • Men's 55's A – Simon McDowell .. 55's B - Andy Gittins
  • Men’s 65’s A – David Fairbairn

Men's Results

Mid Week Charity League

March to April and September to November.  Mid-week 9.30am 3 pairs. 1 set against each opposing pair

  • Captain - Alison Saunders


Phil Mason - Phone  07940 423527, phil.mason619@ntlworld.com,

Alison Fitch - Phone  07811 524020