
RATC Quiz Finale

Suffering from FOMO?

Whilst we, in common with all of the nation, have not been able to play tennis for some weeks your club has been hosting a monthly quiz night during the lockdown periods as a means for members to stay in touch with each other and offer something tangible and fun to help fill those diary gaps!

We know it has been hard missing out on the physical exercise and sporting enjoyment of tennis. However, equally we also know how important it is to keep your mind agile and do something positive to alleviate the sense of being 'out of touch' with the Club and other members.

Over the last year, RATC has been very succesful in running six quizes with increasing popularity such that 50 people took part in the last event. With some optimistic signs from  the vaccination programme and improving results from the lockdown restrictions we believe that some return to play will be coming fairly soon.

Therefore, we have decided to have a Grand Finale Zoom Quiz on March 5th (7-9pm).
In the spirit of tennis for all we want to offer as many newcomers the chance to give it a go and suppport this excellent Club initiative. It is a really fun evening blending individual and collaborative brains as well as giving you a chance to say hi to fellow members again before seeing people in person on court again.

So, whether you're a coach, being coached, a team competive player, a weekday or Sunday Social or a Committee member please do support this initiative - you never know, you might even enjoy yourself! Thirty members have re-booked already so do come and join the fun too.

N.B.Putting on a two hour quiz night requires a great deal of work and I would like to thank those who have helped me put these together over the last year as:

  • Team Leaders (Max Smith, Steve George, Ian Napleton, Hilary Philbin, Claire Bourne and Sue Tippett)
  • The Social Panel (Romy Halliwell, Iain Messenger, Jim Philbin, Claire Bourne and Pete Shepperd).

This is the last Zoom Quiz but if you would like to help plan, devise and put on future social activities for the Club please do let us know as we would welcome your help to make sure what ever we do next works just as well as the online quizes have done. Just email to add your name as social volunteer.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as are free to join us on March 5th



RATC Social Secretary