Club Tennis Championships 2024

We are committed to reinstating the Club Tennis Championships as a premier highlight in our club's calendar this year. To achieve this, several exciting changes have been introduced, which are outlined below. We believe these enhancements will boost participation and generate greater enthusiasm for the event.

  • The tournament will run from Friday 06 September until Finals Day on Sunday 13 October.
  • Junior members can enter with permission from a Club Coach.
  • There will be presentations on Finals Day, hopefully by the Club President and Chair.
  • We are aiming to have a BBQ on Finals Day with seating available for spectators.
  • Singles events will be seeded using WTN (World Tennis Number) and doubles will be seeded by past results and known form.
  • Draws will be published on this page along with dates for matches to be played.
  • A Club Tennis Championships WhatsApp group will be set up once the draw has been made. By entering the tournament you agree to be part of this group. Juniors entering need to provide a parent's mobile number so they can be a part of the group and adults can contact them regarding matches.


  • Men's Singles
  • Women's Singles
  • Men's Doubles
  • Women's Doubles
  • Mixed Doubles

How to Enter

Please enter by emailing the club at Ensure you receive a receipt confirming your entry! Please state the events you want to enter and your partner's details. If you are a junior entering, please provide the contact details of a parent for matches to be arranged and for them to be part of the WhatsApp Group.

The entry deadline is Wednesday 04 September, 9 pm.

Final List of Entries Last Updated 04 September 2024

Men's Singles

  • Adam Firth
  • Michael Stickley
  • Adam Johnson
  • Daniel Alborough
  • David Hazlett
  • Mark McLaughlin
  • Jose Dignomo
  • Oscar C (Junior)
  • Josh G  (Junior)
  • James Kendle
  • Demetris Ioannides

Women's Singles

  • Weinuo Lingard-Lane
  • Pati Buckle
  • Martha Cook
  • Ruby C (Junior)
  • Evie J (Junior)
  • Ruth Horvath

Men's Doubles

  • Jose Dignomo and Ted Callenero
  • Michael Stickley and Kevin Stickley
  • Daniel Alborough and Jon Hayden
  • David Hazlett and Elliot Thorne
  • Adam Johnson and Tomasz Wojtak
  • Mark McLaughlin and Richard Houghton
  • Colin Kennedy and Clive Thomson
  • Oscar C (Junior) and Josh G (Junior)
  • Peter Green and Andy Cook
  • Patrick Fuller and Ronald Labey
  • Bradley Firth and Demetris Ioannides

Women's Doubles

  • Pati Buckle and Kate Martel
  • Julie Kingston and Gill Kelly
  • Weinuo Lingard-Lane and Nelly Porter

Mixed's Doubles

  • Pati Buckle and Kevin Stickley
  • Owen Martel and Kate Martel
  • Evie J (Junior) and Noah J (Junior)
  • Patrick Fuller and Ruby C (Junior)
  • Weinuo Lingard-Lane and Gary Vaughan
  • Ruth Horvath and Pete Shepherd
  • Julie Kingston and Ian Brant

Tournament Rules and Regulations

Please download the Tournament Rules and Regulations pdf.