Safeguarding at Rustlings

Rustlings Lawn Tennis Club is committed to prioritising the wellbeing of all children and adults, promoting safeguarding at all times, including on all programmes and during any events that we run. We are committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities and government guidance and that it complies with best practice and LTA requirements. Members are expected to familiarise themselves, and act in accordance with the LTA’s Code of Conduct at all times.

Rustlings LTC has two Welfare Officers, who have valid safeguarding training records and DBS certificates, and are resonsible for overseeing safeguarding at the club. Their contact details are displayed on posters in the Clubhouse, in the Changing rooms, and also included in our Safeguarding Policy

Members are reminded that Safeguarding is Everyone’s Responsibility and not responding to a safeguarding concern is not an option. If you have a safeguarding concern/disclosure please contact one of the Welfare Officers by phone or email to as soon as possible. Alternatively, contact the LTA Safeguarding Team via the secure online form available at

It is also possible to report concerns directly to: 

Sheffield Safeguarding Hub - 0114 273 4855

Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership - 0114 273 4908

Local Authority Designated Officer -

If you are concerned about a child, and need advice before the next working day, call the NSPCC (0808 800 5000). If your concern is about an adult, ask them for details of your Local Authority Adult Social Care Services.

In an emergency, please call 999



Whistleblowers should contact one of the Welfare Officers in the first instance. If a whistleblower does not wish to speak to someone within the venue or the LTA safeguarding team, the NSPCC Whistleblowing advice line can be contacted on 0800 028 0285 or by email to

Please take some time to read and familiarise yourself with our Safeguarding and other related policies here.