How to find us
Shalford Lawn Tennis Club
off Kings Road, Shalford
We are a very friendly club of around 500 members, a third of whom are juniors and we have the use of three floodlit hard courts. There are opportunities for all ages and standards to play at the club, with senior, junior and coaching times every week, as well as regular fun tournaments, matches and social events, all of which new members are warmly welcomed to. To keep up to date with all the latest news, subscribe to our newsletter, like us on facebook, follow us on twitter and keep up with coaching on Instagram! (+ stringing services are also available through Coach Dale)
Newsletters by email containing information regarding tournaments and social events are sent out on a regular basis. The elected committee members are always very happy to receive comments and suggestions on all aspects of the club and we hope you thoroughly enjoy membership of Shalford Lawn Tennis Club.
Shalford LTC is committed to help promote the safety and security of all those who play, volunteer and support tennis at the Club. They do this by following the LTA safeguarding standards and as a registered venue meets all standards found on the LTA website. Our welfare officer is Steve Humphries who can be contacted at if you have any concerns at all. For more information, visit our Safeguarding page.
Shalford Lawn Tennis Club
off Kings Road, Shalford