SLTC Club Championships 2024

Match results can be viewed here:

Good luck to everyone playing this year!

SLTC Club Championships 2024 Rules

‘Played By’ Dates

  1. In each event, at the top, there is a ‘Played By’ date above each round by which the match has to be played.
  2. It is the responsibility of the first named player/pair in each match to contact their opponents to arrange a match date.
  3. It is up to all players to make sure that the deadlines are met.
  4. When your match date has been arranged, and a court booked online, please let us know the date by email straight away.
  5. If you are having difficulty arranging a match, then please let Chris & Eustace know as soon as possible.


  1. Each match will be the best of 3 sets.
  2. The first 2 sets are tie-break sets (tie-break to 7).
  3. If the match is one set all, then a match tie-break (tie-break to 10) will be played as the deciding set.
  4. A full tie-break set is not to be played as the final set.

Courts for Matches

  1. One player has to book a court online for your match. Whilst Club Championship matches take precedence over other internal matches, do avoid main club nights and Saturday afternoons.

Please let the organisers Chris and Eustace know if you have any problems: AND

The Singles Finals will be played at 3.30pm on Saturday 20th July

The Doubles Finals will be played at 2.00pm on Sunday 21st July

Best of luck to every one who entered.