Upcoming events


An important part of Sidford Tennis club is holding regular social events for its members and we are currently organising an events calendar to help populate everyone's diaries. Next key events are below:


Summer League Practice Nights- Starting Tuesday 4th March 2025 through to Tuesday 15th April 2025

We have taken the decision for the Summer League Matches which will start in April 2025 to register 1 x Men’s 1 x Ladies and 2 x Mixed Teams for the summer league matches meaning more fixtures to participate in and a Mixed A and B team for the first time.

Thank you to everyone who has initially responded to say that they want to play in the league format- if there is anyone else that is interested can I ask you to get in touch with Helen Terry on e-mail: freshlight2017@gmail.com

For those that are committed to playing in the league matches we will be starting some practice session each Tuesday night from 4th March onwards from 6pm-9pm so please feel free to come and join us.





Club AGM- Wednesday 19th March 2025- 6.45pm

Our AGM is on Wednesday 19th March from 6.45pm in the clubhouse and is the next opportunity for you to hear how the club has progressed over the past 12 months and for you to let us know your thoughts. All members welcome and refreshments available on the evening


Members Day- Sunday 13th April 2025

Our Membership Renewals are fast approaching again for the 25/26 season and there will be separate information coming out to you all about how you renew your membership for the year ahead which runs from April 2025 through to April 2026

We shall be hosting a member’s day on Sunday 13th April where refreshments and catering will be provided and this also a specific day that committee members will be available to help if you want to come down to the club and pay for your membership renewal that day.

All welcome and we look forward to seeing you there- more details to follow.



Maintenance Day- Sunday 11th May 2025


Firstly, my thanks to everyone who has helped with the ongoing maintenance around the club over the winter months your help and assistance has been very much appreciated!

We would like to hold our next social tennis/maintenance session on Sunday 11th May 2025 with the maintenance starting from 11am onwards on the day.

Many thanks to Dave for producing a maintenance list as we try to work our way through a number of items covering:

  • Weeding
  • Strimming
  • Wood painting

More information to follow nearer the time as to how you can help and assist ion the day and what equipment to bring that would be useful…







AGE UK Festival- Tuesday 17th June 2025 11am

Further to some of the great work that Sue Wiltshire has been doing with AGE UK and the walking tennis sessions over recent months we are excited to support what will be the inaugural hosting of the Age UK Walking Tennis Festival which will be hosted at Sidford on the above date- More details to follow in due course….


Summer BBQ- Sunday 13th July 2025

A date for your diaries to hold as we will again be hosting our Summer BBQ on the above date along with a day of social tennis and the screening of the Wimbledon Final later in the afternoon in the Radio Club next door….


Summer Triples League- Dates TBC

We will be hosting the Summer Triples League again for 2025!

The format will be the same as last year, with each round lasting approx. 2 hrs, with 5/6 rounds of matches played every Thursday fortnight. This will culminate in the final round of tennis, the presentation ceremony and excellent food, drink & social.

As soon as we have confirmed dates for this, we will send them out to you all to confirm your attendance…


We look forward to seeing you there on any of the above dates