Contact Us


Slinfold Tennis Club

Cherry Tree Farm
Hayes Lane
RH13 0SQ

Tel: 07733 361686


The Committee     

Chair: Peter Bird 07733 361686

Treasurer: Mark Ponton 07747 466297

Membership Secretary: Neal Zimmerman 07799 330302

Match Secretary: Mark McCord 07809 401019

Junior Coaching: Kristine Amann          

Website: Helen Tarran   07742 531986

Digitalisation: Alex Hunter

Welfare Officer and Secretary: David Gubb  07551 261087 or 01403 256117. David is an active playing member, see Diversity and Inclusion Policy

New Members' Welcome and Engagement: Jo Marlor 


Team Captains contact details are under Team Tennis.  Contact Mark McCord


Adults: Peter Gawn  07710 677270   

Juniors & Adults: Ruby Lane  07801 992677

Club Social Sessions: Peter Bird  07733 361686                        

Clubhouse/Grounds/H&S/Fire Officer: Mark Ponton 07747 466297





From A281 (north):   Driving south along Stane Street, turn left into Slinfold village and pass through the centre then turn right into Hayes Lane and continue for approx half a mile until you see the "Football & tennis club" sign (pictured) then turn right into Cherry Tree Farm.

From Horsham:   Approaching from Horsham along Lyons Road turn left into Hayes Lane and continue for approx half a mile until you see the "Football & tennis club" sign (pictured) then turn right into Cherry Tree Farm.

From Billingshurst :  Driving north along Stane Street, turn right into Hayes Lane and continue for approx one mile until you see the "Football & tennis club" sign (pictured) then turn left into Cherry Tree Farm.

On arrival at the club:   Proceed to the barrier and enter the code which should be obtained in advance.


Where to find us

Slinfold Tennis Club
Cherry Tree Farm, Hayes Lane HORSHAM Sussex RH13 0SQ