Slyne-With-Hest Membership 2024

Membership Prices for 2024


Adults  - £60 (£70 after Jan 31st)

Full-time student - £20

Junior (under 18) - £10                               

Family - £130 (£150 after Jan 31st)

Social - £5

Adult (after July 31st) - £30

Please note: the tennis membership year is the same as the calendar year

Please Email the club secretary if you would like a form sent to you or have any questions about membership:


Alternatively, click on the correct link below:

Renewing Members 2024  after Jan 31st (MS Word)

Renewing Members 2024  after Jan 31st (pdf)

New Members 2024  after Jan 31st (MS Word)

New Members 2024  after Jan 31st (pdf)

Please note: only current adult, student and social members can renew online: this option is available by invite only.  By using this option, you are agreeing that all permissions will remain the same as the previous year.  Family memberships and juniors can renew using the simplified 'renewing member form' ensuring that the permissions are completed.  There is a separate form for any new members.