New Zealand Coaching Opportunities

Somer Valley Tennis has its home base at Writhlington Tennis Centre in Radstock, south of Bath.  The centre has had a link with New Zealand for 14 years, intially this was via Ian Bishop, who as a UK licenced coach worked at Writhlington alongside Mandy Stonier and Patrick Lodge, then in 2007 Ian emigrated to New Zealand.  Once he arrived and started his own coaching programme in his own club,  he realised he needed coaching support and help from the excellent level 2 coaches he had left behind in the UK.

This got him thinking and the Stonier NZ apprenticeship was borne, which has lasted  from 2008  all the way through to 2019, when we all experienced a worldwide lockdown and everything came to a grinding halt!

Now, with the world opening up again and with the connections still strong with New Zealand but in another city and another coaching provider (Ian has retired from being an active tennis coach!).  There are opportunities again, this time in Wellington with Evolve Tennis Coaching.

Why not give it a go and have a 'kiwi' experience.................. are you going to have a gap year post A levels and have a level 2 qualification ?  Are you a level 3 coach looking for an adventure..........

If you  would like to talk to a young UK coach who has spent time out there working,  please email Adam Benney or Theo Stonier (see photo of them at the Khandallah Tennis Club)

Plus Tom Entwistle (Head Coach) at Writhlington would be available to chat to you about these amazing opportunities

Please click here to access the job advertisment or go to the website to see what they do  Good luck!