Become a member at Spital today!

End of Season Tennis 2024/2025 Membership Offers now available. 

Why Join Spital?

We are a friendly, welcoming, inclusive club and our fees represent fantastic value - the weekly cost of adult membership is equivalent to the price of a coffee. So come and join us!

Membership Includes;

  • Unlimited tennis and ability to book courts online 2 weeks in advance
  • Play all year round. Courts are floodlit and available until 9pm each day
  • Group and individual coaching sessions with Club coach Ian (charges apply)
  • Social tennis on Wed evening and Sat afternoon.
  • Opportunity to play in one of the Clubs 6 teams in the Burton Tennis League
  • Entry in to Spital club tournament (optional!) and events
  • Membership of the LTA and access to Wimbledon tickets in the annual ballot
  • 10% discount on tennis equipment and clothes from Royal Town Sports
  • As a tennis member you have free access to the bowling green April to Sept
  • You can book in and play tennis with visitors (small charge)
  • Full membership includes Tennis, Table Tennis and Bowls


Joining Is Easy. Just find the right category for you and click on the appropriate link below.

Our season runs from 1st May and you can join and play straight away. Any queries or if you are unable to join / pay online then please contact us at and we can help with arrangements. Our coach Ian  is at the Club most Saturday mornings and you will find a Committee member at the Club most Wednesday evenings from 6pm til 8pm. Just pop down and have a chat or e-mail us direct.

Annual membership is for a full year from 1st May to 30th April (note we do not offer monthly membership). See below for details about our membership packages for the  2024-25 season.

Bowling Season  is from March to October. Please contact the club for more information on membership Fees or turn up on an afternoon at 1.45pm and play starts at 2pm. (No play on Sundays).

Payments can be made online by a one off direct debit or credit/debit card. No refunds given.


Full Adult Membership 24/25 End of Season Offer

01/11/2024- 30/04/2025

Full adult membership for Tennis and Bowls.

Eligibility: Adult 18 to 64 years of age

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Full Family Membership 24/25 End of Season Offer

01/11/2024- 30/04/2025

Full family membership for 2 adults and 2 children

Eligibility: Membership is for 2 adults and up to 2 children that live at the same address.

Up to 4 members

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Full Junior 12 to 17 Membership 24/25 Offer

01/11/2024- 30/04/2025

Junior membership for children aged 12 to 17 years old

Eligibility: Any child aged 12 to 17 years old on date of purchase.

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Full Junior Under 12 Membership 24/25 Offer

01/11/2024- 30/04/2025

Junior membership for children aged under 12 year old

Eligibility: For children aged under 12 years old at time of purchase

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Full Senior Membership 24/25 End of Season Offer

01/11/2024- 30/04/2025

Full senior membership for Tennis and Bowls

Eligibility: Any adult aged 65 and over on date of purchase

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Full Student Membership 24/25 End of Season Offer

01/11/2024- 30/04/2025

Full Student membership for Tennis and Bowls

Eligibility: A full time student. Student union card required to validate membership. Please email

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Kidult Membership 24/25 End of Season Offer

27/01/2025- 30/04/2025

Kidult membership is for 1 child and 1 adult who plays only with that Child. The adult is not a member.

Eligibility: Any child 12 and under who plays only with 1 adult. The child is the member and 1 adult can play with the child (the adult cannot play at any other time).

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Table Tennis End of Season Membership 24/25

27/01/2025- 30/04/2025

Table Tennis only membership.

Eligibility: Table Tennis only membership for anyone aged 16 plus

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