How to find us
St Pauls Walden Tennis Club
Recreation Ground, Bradway
As the weather warms up and the evenings are getting lighter now's the time to renew or sign up for the next membership year (1st April 2024 - 31st March 2025).
2024/25 Memberships are now available - we've a variety of options to choose from and a discounted earlybird offer if you renew or sign up before 31st May. New young adult membership also introduced and reduced junior club membership.
Just head to the Membership Page to sign up for the new season.
Our club is in the parish of St Pauls Walden, Hertfordshire, and the 3 courts are in the village of Whitwell at the recreation ground, off Bradway (nearest postcode SG4 8AP).
General Information
The club is open to adults and juniors of all abilities from beginner to match player. We participate in the Datchworth Summer and Autumn leagues, have monthly tournaments, weekly clubnights (Thursdays in Spring/Summer), and club competitions.
The club welcomes general public use of the courts on a pay and play basis. Anyone can make hourly bookings at the following rates:
Weekdays up to 6pm: £5 per hour
Evenings and weekends £8 per hour
Anytime with floodlights £12 per hour (extra charge to cover use of electricity). Please email us if you need tokens for the lights.
Please book online using the booking link and send funds to the Lloyds Bank S/c 30-91-91 A/c 39271460, quote your name and date of booking as reference.
The combination code to access the courts is 1080. Please relock the gate after use.
If you have any issues please email
Great News! We're now able to accept your membership via our website, followed by a simple bank transfer!! (or you can also still drop a cheque off).
Once you've signed up online just send your payment with your name as reference to Lloyds Bank S/c 30-91-91 A/c 39271460 , if you have any issues please email
You can also get your Cupboard Key by emailing us at
The St Pauls Walden Tennis Committee
St Pauls Walden Tennis Club
Recreation Ground, Bradway