
Welcome to St Paul’s Walden Tennis Club. Full adult members, as they are joining an LTA affiliated club, are eligible to become British Tennis Members at no additional cost. British Tennis Membership is worth acquiring as it can provide you with information and newsletters about tennis and opportunity to enter the Wimbledon ballot. By joining you will be entered in to the club ballot for Wimbledon. You can also get a player rating and much more. We recommend you look at and click on Membership, for more information.

So come and take advantage of our friendly club courts


2024-25 Adult Individual, Household & Young Person memberships

Please contact us on the Club Email address if you have any queries on current online memberships.


The club has a variety of memberships available including:

Adult Individual , Household - One or two adults plus children (under 16), Young person - Individual aged 18 to under 25, Junior - Individual aged under 18, Junior Household - 2 or more juniors in the same household and Social - Individual non-playing member..

Our bank details for online bank transfer are Lloyds Bank: Sort code 30-91-91, Account Number 39271460


If you are a new member then once you've signed up online just send your payment with your name as reference by bank transfer. Do drop us an email if you have any issues.



2024 Adult Individual - NEW MEMBER 3 Month trial

3 months membership

This membership should only be selected if you are thinking of becoming a new member and wish to dip your toe in to playing tennis. This membership covers you for three months from the date you join.

Eligibility: For new members. 3 month trial period with full year top-up option available if you join.

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2024: Adult individual - Early bird 10% discount

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Adult membership 2024-25

Eligibility: Early Bird discount price of £140 only applies if you sign up and pay before 31 May 2024.

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2024: Household - 10% early bird discount

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Family household membership

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2024: Junior

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Junior annual membership

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2024: Social Only

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Social Membership - If you just like the social side of tennis and love watching the game at any level, this option gives you the opportunity to join us at the club for all events as a spectating member, including refreshments and nibbles.

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2024: Young adult - early bird 10% discount

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2025

Young adults under 25

Eligibility: Under 25

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