Events Calendar

Here is a list* of important dates associated with Stepps Tennis Club. Please note these dates in your diary. A court usage and availability calendar is provided under the Booking tab.

[* Please Note: Dates could be subject to change.]

Tuesday 3 September - Committee meeting 7 pm
Tuesday 4 September - Box Leagues entry closes
Sunday 8 September - Box Leagues commence
Saturday 14 September - Mini/Junior Club Championships Finals Day
Thursday 19 September - Courts Maintenance, courts closed till 4 pm

Friday 18 October - TWOS Autumn Leagues season ends

Sunday 20 October - TWOS Winter Leagues season starts
Tuesday 22 October - Committee meeting 7 pm
Saturday 26 October - Casino Night Chryston Bowling Club

Sunday 1 December - Box Leagues finish
Tuesday 3 December - Committee meeting 7 pm

Tuesday 21 January 2025 - Committee meeting 7 pm

Thursday 27 February 2025 - Annual General Meeting 7 pm Clubhouse