Playing Times

Club opening hours are 9 am till 10 pm.
Playing access is through our court booking system (go to Booking tab). Bookings are available in blocks of 1 hour 30 minutes though you can book for less if that suits. Bookings can be made up to two weeks in advance.
Club matches and coaching sessions organised by the Club Coach, however, take precedence at all times. If there is a home club match, the courts will be closed 30 minutes prior to the match to allow for court preparation and player warm-up.
Open Sessions: Monday to Friday 9am to 6.30pm, Saturday 2pm to 6.30pm and Sunday 9am to 2pm. During these times, any member can play on available courts as all members have equal rights be they juniors, seniors, family members or concessionary members.
Adult Sessions: Monday to Saturday (excluding Wednesdays) 6.30pm to 10pm and Sunday 4pm to 10pm. During these times, adult members (senior members, adults with family membership and concessionary members of adult age) have precedence on available courts.
Senior Social Sessions: Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm and Sunday from 2pm to 4pm. Open to all adult members. During these times, members play doubles matches with a different partner and opponents during each half-hour period.