
Stockton Heath Lawn Tennis Club welcomes new members at any time of the year.  See below for application forms or email your initial enquiry to Chris -

Annual membership runs from April 1st, but new members can join the club at any time for a pro-rata fee from the date of joining to  31st March.

There are several packages available:

Package Added description Annual Cost
Full playing senior Non-students over 18 years of age and over £225
Full playing senior (after 31st March) As above but with renewal/Joining after 31st March £255
Full time student   £110
Junior 12-17 years of age     £80
Junior 6-11 years of age   £65
Junior under 6 years of age   Free
Senior winter package Full playing membership 1st Oct - 31st Mar £115
Floodlit league member Play in the winter floodlit league only* £60
County member Address  at least 20 miles from the club £100
Social member Access to member only social events £25
Chaperone parent To play with your junior member only £75
Family package All members living at the same address


* Additional league fees applicable

Inclusive tennis: At SHLTC we are keen to make tennis available to all, and are developing ways in which we can make this happen.  If you would like to explore ways in which you can enjoy tennis at the club please contact us


You don't need to be a member of SHLTC to initally join in the coaching squads or receive 1:1 coaching.  However, after six session, membership is required to continue. 

Membership Applications

Please download, complete & return the application form(s) below (both forms are required for juniors, under 18's) with payment to:

Membership Secretary, Stockton Heath LTC, Delphfields Road, Appleton, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 5BY.  You may also email the completed form(s) to Membership Secretary with confirmation of payment.  Bank details are given in the Membership Application form below.

Membership Application

Junior Consent form