Under 18 Consent

Parents & Guardians Consent for Under 18’s

Taking part in general activities of the club, my child has agreed to abide by the general rules of the club. To my knowledge he/she has no special care needs, dietary requirements, allergies or medical conditions that could affect his/her safety whilst on the club premises. Other than those declared to the membership Secretary membership@storringtontennisclub.co.uk  I note that any information concerning any basic health or conditions will only be made available to appropriate officers of the club and will not be shared with anybody else without my permission. I understand that in the event of any injury, illness or other medical need, all reasonable steps will be taken to contact me and to deal with the situation swiftly and appropriately. 

What age can children be left unsupervised at a tennis venue? 

We recommend that children under the age of 13 are supervised by their parent/carer whilst at a tennis venue and outside of any venue sessions, such as coaching lessons or tennis camps. 

For more information, please visit the following website:


The club only provides supervision during organised activity sessions, e.g. coaching. I understand that the club’s responsibility commences at the time my child’s organised activity begins and ceases at the time my child’s organised activity stops. I am aware that it is my responsibility to arrive on time for both delivering and collection my child from club activities. We occasionally use photographic images of tennis club activities, including participants for promotional and reporting purposes. Such images are carefully vetted before use. Please advise the membership Secretary membership@storringtontennisclub.co.uk and the head coach Nigel Matthews nigelmatthewstennis@gmail.com if you do NOT consent for the use of photographs.