Safeguarding at Studley Tennis Club

Safeguarding at Studley Tennis Club

- Safeguarding Officer - Ann Bond

- Contact - / 07732 832798


Reporting a Safeguarding Concern outside the Tennis Environment

Reporting a Safeguarding Concern within the Tennis Environment

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Summary  Child Protection Policy

The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect and members, non members and visiting place to plays and teams are not denied access to Studley Tennis Club because of a discriminatory reason.

This policy is fully supported by the management committee which is responsible for the implementation and review of this policy.

Studley Tennis Club will therefore adhere to the following:


  1.  Aims to create an enjoyable environment for all juniors who wish to take part in tennis or other sport and social activities
  2.  Believes that children and young people have the right to be safe, secure and free from threat
  3.  Believes that young people have the right to be treated with respect, and to have their concerns listened to and acted upon
  4.  Ensures that the needs of junior members are provided for through specific programmes, designated facilities, and safe practice
  5. Has procedures in place to address poor practice, and to help any young person who appears to be at risk, or who appears to be the victim of abuse
  6. Offers help and support when a child or young person tells us that they are affected by these issues
  7. Takes steps to ensure that any volunteers or professionals working with children are suitable to do so, through the use of references and background checks
  8. Ensures that all relevant people have been vetted and approved through the LTA’s DBS process
  9. Ensures that all of those working with children are made aware of the LTA code of conduct for people working with children in tennis, and are required to follow it

Studley Tennis Club has an adult member who is specifically responsible for children, young people and child protection:

This person’s name is:   Ann Bond

She can be contacted on: / 07732 832798


Other Contacts:

Warwickshire Local Safeguarding Children’s Board


Adults/Children's: 01926 410410



Police non-emergency: 101

Police emergency: 999


LTA Child Protection

Tel: 0208 487 7008/7116

Mobile  (24 hour): 07971 141 024
