Mini Tennis

Mini Tennis is designed to make tennis more manageable for younger players, so that they can effectively build their game as they grow. Imagine playing with a tennis ball the size of a football, a 6-foot net and a racket that weighs 10kg and you'll know what it feels like for a player aged 5 to step onto a full size court! With Mini Tennis, all the equipment is correct for the age of the player, which as well as making starting out in tennis more forgiving for them, also means younger players can practice the correct skills and techniques right from the start.

There are three stages of LTA Mini Tennis, all depending on the age of the players:

Red is for players aged 5-8 years with 21-inch rackets on a half size court and 25% balls.

Orange is for players aged 8-9 years with 23-inch rackets on a three-quarter size court and 50% balls.

Green is for players aged 10 years with 25-inch rackets on a full size court and 75% balls.

After the age of 10, players can start using full bounce yellow balls and will be coached in Junior sessions right up to the age of 18. Mini Tennis sessions are bookable for terms, with courses always running for the length of the local school half-terms.