Join Us


**** Membership fees now due ****

New members are always welcome at Tavistock Tennis Club.

Please scroll down the page to view the alternative membership packages available.

The full membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March. Note that membership means you can access the courts, use the club's balls and the rest of the facilities. It does not include the right to free coaching . 

If you have any questions about membership please email our Membership Secretary at

Payment Methods

We accept payment by:

Debit/Credit card  - in full (or by monthly instalments: only available on certain packages)



P7_Junior 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Junior membership

Eligibility: Juniors aged 11-18 years of age at 1st April

Join now

P8_Child 2025-26

01/04/2025- 31/03/2026

Child membership

Eligibility: Children aged 4-10 years of age at 1st April

Join now