
We encourage all players to compete at least once a month because it's fun and gives players a chance to develop their skills further. We start the process of competing within our training sessions and then recommend that players attend one of our LTA-sanctioned events. We are very conscious that it can be a daunting experience and make sure that the competition is at the right level for their ability so the child gets a positive experience.


All Mini Red events have an experienced scorer for every match. Mini Orange & Green events are closely watched by an LTA-qualified referee and court supervisor.

Our LTA R4 Referees Imogen and Will (R5) run Grade 4 & 5 events outdoors throughout the year.

To enter our events you must be registered with the LTA and have an LTA rating. Please join here if you have not.

To enter any events please click the links below

Reminder - players will be accepted for Grade 5 competitions on a First Come, First Served basis according to new LTA guidelines. In Grade 4 events players will be accepted based on their ranking.

To enter any competitions around the county/country please visit: