Local Tennis Leagues
Tennis enthusiast across Birmingham now have a great opportunity to play friendly, competitive tennis matches in the new Birmingham Tennis League.
Open to men and women aged 18 and above, the league is for players of all standards. Players are organised into groups of 6-8 people of a similar level and arrange their own matches at mutually convenient times over an 8 week round. Entry costs £15.00 per round and each player has between 5 to 7 matches to play. Players may use any court that suits them both. With no annual membership to worry about, it’s an affordable way to play friendly, competitive tennis in Birmingham.
Players submit results via their phone or online and can see all the other results and match commentaries in their groups.
If you are not a member of a tennis club, it can be surprisingly hard to compete at an informal local level or even to find other players to play. And with Team GB’s success in the Davis Cup and the ever popular Wimbledon, there are more players than ever looking for playing partners.
There are prizes for the winners of each group and a free can of tennis balls for all players who complete three matches by the midway point of a round.
For more information on the leagues please click on the relevant link:
East Birmingham- https://www.localtennisleagues.com/eastbirmingham
West Birmingham- https://www.localtennisleagues.com/westbirmingham