Booking Info
Booking information
- Bookings can be made 7 days in advance of the day of booking. The next day of court bookings will be released at 00:00 for the next day..
- Individuals can only book a court for 120 mins each day.
- Any coaching on park courts not provided by Tennis in Merton coaches are breaking the court booking terms of use, and if the court booker (whether the coach or the coachee) is found to be coaching or accepting coaching, they will be banned on Tennis in Merton’s Clubspark pages and their user profile deleted. The booking entitlement will be banned for a 6 month period across all of the Tennis in Merton sites in the borough.
- If you are coaching in the borough and wish to apply to be part of the Tennis in Merton team, please email: with a CV and cover letter with a brief background of the venues you would initially want to be coaching at.
Booking assistance
- Checking the booking on the calendar, printing your booking confirmation or having it on your mobile phone is helpful proof when attending the venue.
- If you don’t have internet access you can use a computer at a local library to book. If you can’t use the booking website / ClubSpark Booker app or visit a library, ring 0204 572 2155 for further help.