Brockbank Trophy Winners 2024 - Palmerston

Brockbank Summer 2024 Draw

Draw PDF for download:Brockbank 2024




1a. The competition shall be open to all members of the Group.

1b An entrance fee of £5.00p per team entered will be payable to and collected by the Group Treasurer.

2. A club may enter a maximum of two teams which shall be selected in order of strength and labelled ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively. A player who has represented the ‘A’ team in the competition may not subsequently represent the ‘B’ team.

3. Teams will comprise 4 men and 4 ladies.

4. Each match will comprise one ladies’ single, one gents’ single, one ladies’ double, one gents’ double and one mixed double.

5. Each player can only take part in one event in each round.

6. The opposing captains will exchange lists simultaneously prior to the start of the match, and the lists will contain the names of the players and the event in which they are participating. Each captain may also name one gent and one lady substitute player who, if the match is carried over to another day will be eligible to replace any player who was nominated to take part in an event which has not been commenced and who is unavailable for the second day. The substitute players must not be of greater playing strength than the originally nominated members of the team. Save for this exception, the originally nominated players must represent the team if the match is carried over to another day (and must play in the events for which they were originally selected).

7. A tie break shall operate a 6 !6 in the first 2 sets, in the case of a tie at 1 set all then a Match Tie Break shall operate.

8. The winning team will be the one winning the most events of the five played.

9. (a) When the draw for the competition is circulated, the Tournament Secretary will specify the dates on or by which the various rounds are to be played. (b) Evening matches shall start at 6.30pm (unless an earlier time is agreed by mutual consent). The starting time for weekend matches will be arranged by mutual consent. If a player is not ready to play 10 minutes after the starting time, the team shall forfeit that event by 6 !0, 6 !0 in favour of the opponents. (c) The home team shall be responsible for communicating with its opponents to arrange the date and/or starting time for a match where necessary and also in the event of postponement due to weather conditions. (d) If a match is not completed by the due date, one or both teams may be scratched from the competition at the discretion of the Tournament Secretary.

10. The draw shall be on the basis that the team drawn first in each bracket shall be the home team. In succeeding rounds teams who have played more away matches than their opponents shall earn the right to be the home team. Teams gaining byes or Walk !overs in the earlier rounds shall be deemed to have won at home. If both teams have an equal number of away matches, the team higher in the bracket shall be the home team.

11. The draw will be seeded, the number of seeds depending on the number of entries.

12. Matches may be played on any approved hard or grass courts, the type to be used being the prerogative of the home team.

13. The home team shall provide the balls. ITF Approved balls must be used and not less than three new balls per court supplied.

14. All players must be bona fide club members. No player shall be allowed to play for more than one club in any one year and no player can play for a club in this Tournament who has played for another club in any other Group Competition in that same season. To be eligible to play in the competition, a player must have previously represented the club in at least three League fixtures that season

15. Results shall be sent by the winning team within 24 hours of the conclusion of the match to the Tournament Secretary (or his Assistant where specified in the Draw). Failure to observe this rule renders the winners liable to disqualification.

16. In the event of a dispute between clubs, the matter must be referred to the Tournament Secretary (or his Assistant) immediately.